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Nigerian To UK Lawmaker: It’s Surprising British Government Turned Blind Eye To Killings In Nigeria

Nigerian To UK Lawmaker: It’s Surprising British Government Turned Blind Eye To Killings In Nigeria

Oluwaseun Talabi, a citizen of Nigeria who resides in North Kensington, United Kingdom has written a petition to Felicity Buchan, Member of Parliament for Kensington, over the ongoing killings in Nigeria.

Talabi blamed the killings on the inaction of the government to combat terrorist groups.

Boko Haram fighters

He also lamented that rights activists and campaigners who dared to confront the government were arrested and detained without legal process.

He called for an investigation into the relationships between the government, Boko Haram and Fulani herdsmen.

His letter reads: "I would like to bring to your attention the mass atrocities that are currently taking place in Nigeria due to the negligence of those that are currently in power. It is quite surprising that the British government has turned a blind eye to what is happening as Nigeria is a part of the commonwealth.

"Since the Buhari government came to power in 2015, there has been a drastic increase in the number of murders. Buhari, the Nigerian president, said captured Boko Haram terrorists would be rehabilitated and sent to the army. What does that tell you? Is it not a coincidence that not a single Boko Haram member has been put on trial? 

"At the moment, the majority of the western world is focused on Black Lives Matter and how to ensure equality for Black people in the Western world. So does that mean that the Black lives in Africa don’t matter as more people are being killed and more women are being raped every day? 

“Why is Britain not doing much about it seeing that they colonised Nigeria? Is the British Government not aware of this or are they just ignoring the issues? Women are being raped and killed daily. Peoples' homes and businesses are being destroyed leaving hundreds and thousands of people homeless.

"Many activists that challenge the government against atrocities and corruption in Nigeria disappear with nowhere to be found. An example of one is a former presidential candidate, Omoyele Sowore, who is currently under trial after being charged with treason for challenging the government. 

"In Nigeria, the civic space continues to shrink as Nigerian authorities increasingly clampdown on the rights to freedom of expression and peaceful assembly. Authorities have intimidated journalists, bloggers and human rights defenders; harassing them through verbal and physical assault, arbitrary arrest, detention, and prosecuting them through trumped-up charges and misuse of the Cybercrime and Terrorism laws.

"As you can see from these facts, the relationships between the government, Bokoharam and Fulani herdsmen need to be looked into. I would like to thank you for taking the time out to read this letter...."

Responding to Talabi, MP Buchan promised to follow up on  the case with the relevant minister. He also promised to pass the letter to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office of the United Kingdom.

"This is incredibly concerning, and I will certainly pass this through to the FCO for a substantial response on the Government’s involvement.

"I can also follow up informally with the relevant Minister and provide updates where I can," he said.

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