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Nigerian Woman Falsely Accused Of Murder In Lebanon Plead For Help To Return Home

Nigerian Woman Falsely Accused Of Murder In Lebanon Plead For Help To Return Home

Oluwakamisi Mary Omolabake, a Nigerian woman trafficked to Lebanon, has narrated her ordeal at the hands of her traffickers and is seeking help to return home.

Omolabake told SaharaReporters that she was approached by an agent named Alfa Mohammed Abu in April 2019, who told her that there was an opportunity to go to Japan and work.

She said, "He asked my parents to bring N300,000 and we agreed to pay N150,000. He said I will receive a salary of $300every month when I get to Japan.

"After a while, he said my visa was ready and so I prepared for the trip and went to the airport. At the airport, I stood in the line of the flight going to Japan and the immigration officer asked to see my passport." 

Instead of a Japanese visa, the trafficker had obtained a Lebanese visa for Omolabake with the intent of trafficking her as a domestic worker while deceiving her into believing she was going to Japan.

"When I showed them my passport and ticket, they called me aside and said I should stand outside the line since I don't know where I was going. Later they told me my ticket was for Beirut not Japan and asked me to pay N50,000 which I suspect was a bribe. They claimed that they will use it to change my ticket.

"They did not change it and boarded me on a flight going to Lebanon. When I got to Lebanon, the first madam I worked with for three months, her husband made several attempts to rape me. I reported to her and she took me back to the trafficking agency that was working with the agent who sent me there from Nigeria. 
See Also Exclusive EXCLUSIVE: Eight-month Pregnant Nigerian Woman Trafficked To Lebanon And Locked Up In Office Building Cries Out For Help
"The agency in Lebanon, Damaj Services, placed me in another house to work for an old woman who was very sick. She was on a wheelchair without legs and I would clean her up and still take care of the house. She was very sick.

"On April 1, 2020, the woman died of her sickness and the family of the woman said I killed their mother. Because one of her son is a police officer, I was falsely accused and thrown in jail for one month.

"They refused to pay me my salary for all the months I worked with her and said because I allegedly killed their mum, I will go back to Nigeria without anything.

"After a month, they took me back to Damaj Services office and I've been locked there ever since. 

8 Month Pregnant Nigerian Woman Trafficked To Lebanon And Locked Up In Trafficker’s Office WATCH VIDEO

"While here in the office, I called my agent in Nigeria, Alfa Mohammed Abu, and he said he will buy a ticket for me to come back home but it seems unlikely because this is not the first time I am reaching out to him to get me out of Lebanon where he sent me without my knowledge."

She called on the Nigerian Government and well-meaning Nigerians to help secure her freedom from her traffickers, who have locked her up in an office building without food, freedom or access to any sort of medical care.

News Reports AddThis :  Featured Image :  Original Author :  Saharareporters, New York Disable advertisements : 

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