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Good Character Is The Most Valuable Asset By Richard Odusanya

Good Character Is The Most Valuable Asset By Richard Odusanya

When God sees your motives and sincerity, he elevates you beyond the ordinary.

A man's character is his fate. Thomas H Jefferson, the third president of the United States of America(US) said, "nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude." People self-sabotage themselves by seeking spiritual solutions to character-deficit issues.

Countries like the United States of America (US), build a fantastic future leaders through their educational system. Nigeria own system is like a survival program, a very bad influence on the smaller nations in the continent of Africa. A large percentage of our youths come out traumatized, mentally unstable and unemployable.

The character of a man is very critical to his destination. The Father of Indian nation Mahatma Gandhi once said, "If wealth is lost nothing is lost. If health is lost something is lost. If character is lost everything is lost." Best of all things is character. Everyone has character but not every have a "good character." A good character makes you an essential commodity and sought after.

The fate of the future lies in the hands of the youths but the state of life and thinking of many youths are not certain neither is it full of morals or enlightening. Majority of them are bereft of any moral compass and ethical conviction. They are perpetually myopic and selfish. The rate at which immorality has eaten deep into the fabrics of our society has become alarming particularly among the youths. 

While the world is moving in technological advancement, the Nigerian youth is still stuck in yesterday years. They rather concerned themselves with incessant internet trends. There is the ongoing Big Brother Naija to distract the Nigerian populace (after all, the land that flows with milk and honey is there), don't leave me challenge, women supporting women, and mummy calm down trends and lots more. Youths singing praises of criminals, unpatriotic elements and saboteurs to high heavens because of retrogressive sentiments.

In the game of politics, There is what we call "attention bait." It's a distraction for the masses from more vital and important issues and also to cover up for other bigger secret, underground events and flaws. But since Nigeria is already home of jokes, the government don't have to do much to distract the people. They do it themselves.

Who is to be blamed? The leaders/elders whom are supposed to be epitome of discipline haven't been practicing the good character they expect their younger ones emulate after they've embezzled  money meant for their younger generation without shame! The leaders/elders lessons to the younger generation is more of "do what I say but not what I do" and we accept the status quo. The failures of our leaders and elders has made the youths not to know what they want. Even if they do, they don't know how to go about it.  

Character is the soul of the youth. We need youths that are morally and ethically upright, absolved of religious and tribal sentiments. We need youths with incorruptible and courageous personalities, that are willing to pay the ultimate price for the progress of this country.

Yesterday’s children are today’s youths; today’s youths are tomorrow’s leaders. Remember the primary marching song that goes, "Parents listen to your children. We are the leaders of tommorow?" And today’s leaders are tomorrow’s Godfathers. Nigerian youths! What are your expectations? What ideas do you have for yourself, your immediate environment and in turn, the entire Nation? 

A good character is fundamental to the growth of every nation. A growing nation is defined by the attitude of her people. little wonder why the saying goes thus, "Your attitude determines your altitude." The altitude of our country is determined by the attitude of her people and the major role lies in the hands of her youth. A hushed youth is puppied. Hence, such youth shall deliver into the hands of other countries a detrimental image of her country. Good character breeds selfless and courageous leadership. A manipulative weapon every individual can ever possess is the character.

"Lack of good character is the most dangerous weapon of manipulation leading to selfishness, inordinate ambitions, greed, self-righteousness/aggrandizement, corruption and many other antisocial behavioural problems." True beauty resides in character. Those who fly in the right direction and are patient will reap their rewards. Good character seldom get an immediate result and our ability to keep doing good despite the setbacks shows that we desire for greater good. There is no substitute for being good. The rewards are immeasurable and you will be able to sleep well at night.

Richard Olanrewaju Odusanya
Convener Africa Convenant Rescue Initiative (ACRI)

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