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Banditry, Kidnappings Come From Derailments Like Sex Party – Shariah Council Backs El-Rufai’s Demolition Of Kaduna Hotel

Banditry, Kidnappings Come From Derailments Like Sex Party – Shariah Council Backs El-Rufai’s Demolition Of Kaduna Hotel

The Supreme Council for Shariah in Nigeria has commended the Kaduna State Government over the demolition of a hotel alleged to be the proposed venue of an aborted sex party, saying the current situation of incessant banditry and kidnappings comes from derailments of moral and cultural values such as sex parties.

The council noted that the state government must fish out sex clubs and immoral centres in the state.

Officials of the Kaduna State Urban State Urban Planning Development Agency had carried out the exercise after the police raided and arrested some of the organisers of the party which never held.

In a statement, the Chairman of the Kaduna State chapter of the council, AbdurRahman Hassan, said current merciless bloodletting through banditry, kidnappings, armed robbery, and a host of other vices experienced in Nigeria was caused by immoral acts such the ‘Satanic’ sex party.

The statement read in part, “Allah (SWT) stated categorically in Suratul Hajj verse 41, thus: 'Those who, when we empower them in the land, observe prayer, and give regular charity, and command what is right, and forbid what is wrong. To Allah belongs the outcome of events.' 

“In line with this verse, the council, as an advocate of moral and social values, commends the steps taken by the Kaduna State Government on the arrest of the organisers of the Satanic so-called 'Kaduna sex party' and the demolition of Asher Hotel at Barnawa, Kaduna.

“No doubt, this kind of illicit act is one of the ingredients fuelling the wrath of Allah (SWT) that we are inflicted with currently. The current merciless bloodletting through banditry, kidnappings, armed robbery, and a host of other vices, is as a result of our derailment from ideal moral and cultural values.

“While we commend the Kaduna State Government for this commendable act, we also call on the government to scan for such places where illicit acts are perpetrated in the state, such as ‘Ajagunle’ area, off Maiduguri Road, in the Kaduna North Local Government Area, where ‘nude’ clubs do exist.”

The Kaduna State Urban Planning and Development Authority (KASUPDA) had demolished Asher Hotel in Barnawa area of the state over allegations of immoral acts.

According to the agency, which is in charge of the planning and development of urban areas in the state, announced it in a tweet on Thursday, alleging that the hotel was the proposed venue for a sex party.

However, a flyer advertising the sex party had no detail of the proposed location for the party.

The party, which received high publicity on social media, had been slated for December 27, 2020 at an undisclosed venue before it was aborted.

Males and females attending the party were expected to be naked, as the advert had said clothes would not be allowed at the venue.

The party was expected to last till daybreak, during which participants would have sex for a fee ranging between N2,000 for the popular side and N5,000 for the VIPs.

The state agency later tweeted, “KASUPDA has demolished Asher Hotel in Barnawa, Kaduna South. Asher Hotel was the proposed venue for the Kaduna sex party; the hotel was also caught contravening the COVID-19 guidelines of the state. KASUPDA will not hesitate to demolish properties used for such an immoral act.”

The organisers have since been arrested by the police.

Islam News AddThis :  Original Author :  SaharaReporters, New York Disable advertisements : 

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