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SERAP Demands Thorough Investigation Into Shooting Of Activist, Sowore

SERAP Demands Thorough Investigation Into Shooting Of Activist, Sowore

The Socio-economic Rights and Accountability Project (SERAP) has condemned the attack on human rights activist, Omoyele Sowore, who was shot at by the police on Monday morning during a peaceful protest at the Unity Fountain in Abuja.

The group disclosed this on Monday through its Twitter handle, where it urged the authorities to put an end to the crackdown on protesters.

"We condemn reports that Omoyele Sowore, a journalist, and activist, was shot at by the police in Abuja this morning during peaceful protest at the Unity Fountain. Authorities should end the crackdown on protesters, and allow people to peacefully exercise their rights," it said. 

The group also called for a thorough and transparent investigation into the shooting and crackdown on protesters

"Nigerian authorities should promptly, thoroughly, and transparently investigate the allegation of shooting of Sowore and crackdown on protesters, publish the report of their investigation, and ensure that anyone suspected to be responsible is brought to justice.

"Nigerian authorities should immediately take concrete steps to reverse the longstanding impunity for these kinds of violations and misconduct by law enforcement agencies. Victims and their families deserve nothing less," it added. 

SERAP cited the Guidelines on Policing Assemblies in Africa, adopted by the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights.
"The Guidelines on Policing Assemblies in Africa, adopted by the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights, provides that 'firearms must never be used to disperse an assembly. Intentional use of lethal force is prohibited unless it is strictly unavoidable to protect life.'

"We’ll hold Nigerian authorities and Nigeria Police to account for the reported shooting of Omoyele Sowore and attacks on protesters at the Unity Fountain," it said. 

SaharaReporters on Monday morning reported how Sowore was shot in Abuja, Nigeria's capital, during a protest to demand an end to insecurity in the country. 

Human Rights News AddThis :  Original Author :  SaharaReporters, New York Disable advertisements : 

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